Thursday, January 11, 2007

The confessions of Holden Caffield

....hmmmm well I am bored, and also I am being a total copy cat. So, it seems the topics lately have been manly about me and my five other friends, the group. Its all praise, of course, and it is all well deserved for we are all as close as blood. Yet, all I will say of my friends oppenly is that they are my brothers, I would die for them. They know all to well my personal feelings for them so there is no need to say more of what they already know.

I know nothing about women, I have no smoothe lines, and I have average looks. My understanding of women is just as limited and ignorant as every other man on this earth. That being said, it must be clarified that I have been blessed with a great sense of confidence and luck when dealing with women. It is mostly due to my luck and confidence that I was able to convince my girlfriend to go out with me and luck that has made our relationship, even with all our bumps and hurdles, a loving and stable relationship that it is now. I have never known what to do when dealing with women, never, I have been clueless. But what I have done, is learn from my mistakes and sometimes victories in past experiences and even now to allow me to be a better boyfriend for my girlfriend. Love makes you do weird things, in my case it has slightly caumed down my wild nature and has made me look happily toward the future with great hope for all the unknowns that growing up can bring.

But sometimes we dont need to find strength and security in others or in what we deam to be the safe and familiar enviorment of what we call home. If your not doing it for what you want then you wont be able to do it at all. In life we only walk forward, to turn around and walk back is only to regret. I have only 4 regrets in my life because I have always moved forward doing what I want and what I want is the unknown of a future of love with the women who completes me. Love is an adventure it is not a safe haven, to be inlove is to exposed to all of lifes ups and downs. You should never be scarredof whats infront of you, you should only be scarred of missing out on the fear, excitement, and the crazy ass ride that is the wild blue of being an adult.

Growing up is risk, but running away from it is a sin.

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